The Adventurer ministry exists to assist parents in their important job as their child's primary teacher and evangelizer. Therefore, we see our mission to help strengthen the parent/child relationship while assisting the child in developing spiritual, physical, mental and social areas of their lives. Our job is to provide a ministry that will help them form right habits, motives, attitudes and develop into a happy, mature child.
It is our desire to help fulfill Proverbs 22:6 which says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.
- To help children gain a positive attitude toward the benefits, joys and responsibilities of living a Christian life.
- To help children acquire the habits, skills and knowledge needed to live for Jesus today.
- To help children commit their hearts and lives to Jesus at their own level.
- To help parents/guardians become willing to play an active part in the lives of the children; participate in all club activities.
- To make the Adventurer club more community friendly
- To invite non-Adventist families to join our club.
A. To create a fun atmosphere where our children can:
- Develop a Christ-like character.
- Experience the joy and satisfaction of doing things well.
- Express their love for Jesus in a natural way.
- Learn good sportsmanship and strengthen their ability to get along with others.
- Discover their God-given abilities and to know how to use them to benefit self and serve others.
- Improve their understanding of what makes families strong.
B. To provide learning materials and activities for parents/guardians:
- That will assist them in helping their children successfully complete the Adventurer curriculum.
- That will encourage them to fulfill Proverbs 22:6
- That are community friendly and provide an atmosphere where non-Adventist families feel at home with us.

JOY DALEY, Director
Assistant: Siloane Glasgow