The Ministry of Education is very important to the worldwide church of Seventh-day Adventists as well.
as to the local congregation. The mission of the Education Department here at the Bronx Church is to be an EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER helping prepare young people for the 21st century and beyond. Another primary focus is to promote Christian Education as the investment that it truly is.
We offer resources to motivate, train and educate our membership, as well as keep the membership aware of career opportunities and job training. Further, we provide information on scholarships to help with tuition even at the elementary level.
2018 Goals
- Promote Christian Education
- Provide a support network for parents.
- Assist youth spiritually, socially and academically.
- Highlight the accomplishments of our students as well as former students.
- Career Fair

We endeavor to be a full-service ministry and offer the following programs, namely:
- Assistance with Financial Aid Applications
- "Care" packages to our students away at school
- Annual Christian Education Weekend
- Listing of 100+ college scholarships
- Weekly Tutoring Services
- Computer Literacy Class
- Spelling Bee Competitions
- Information on job training, available jobs and summer internships
- Quarterly Newsletters with educational emphases
- Annual graduation "ceremonies"
- Apple-picking recreational trip
A year-long program for teens and adolescents to participate in a maturing and learning process for introduction into young adulthood. In both December 2007 and December 2009, the church graduated several young people who completed the assignments. Another is being considered this year for our teenagers.
The department provides math and reading tutoring on Sundays. We have three teachers who volunteer their time for the students of the church. Currently, we tutor elementary and middle school students. In 2018-19, we plan to expand this program to the community.
For members, regardless of age, who are not computer literate or who may need (or want) to improve their computer skills, we provide a computer training class. Certificates of completion are given to those who complete the different levels.
A listing of over 200 college scholarships is provided. Some of these sholarships go unused due to lack of application. Click here for the complete list.
For tips on job hunting and career opportunities and choices, click here.

Departmental Team: H. McLean, F. Richards, B. Thomas, R. Bartley, R. Ferguson, B. Igbinomwanhia, Jr. & Tracy Charles
Home & School Rep., TBD