The Home and School Association should be organized in every church where there is a church school. Effective, continuous promotion should be used to recruit as many members of the church as possible. Education leaders, pastors, church officers, senior citizens, singles and all church members should be enlisted to promote Adventist education.
Every church operating a school should promote, organize and conduct a Home and School Association in accordance with the plans and policies as outlined in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual. The Local Conference Office of Education will serve as a resource agency for leadership training, resources and support.
A close tie exists between the Home and School officers, the Education Secretary, the Family Life coordinator, and the Youth Ministries personnel in the local church. In a cooperative effort they are to keep the needs of families and their children before the church. It is suggested, therefore, that Home and School work in conjunction with these representatives to complement one another’s efforts and to provide care for the entire family.
PURPOSE & OBJECTIVES of the Home and School Assn.
*To unite the home, the school, and the church in their endeavors to provide Seventh-day Adventist Christian education for the children.
To educate parents in cooperation with the church and school in their work of fostering the development of the whole child - “the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual power.” - Education, p. 13.
* To promote cooperation between parents and teachers in the educational process.
*To give guidance for establishing in the home an atmosphere of love and discipline in which Seventh-day Adventist Christian values can be instilled in children through Bible study, prayer, family worship, and the example of the parents.
*To provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to develop a positive relationship in their work for the children.
*To support the church school in its effort to more fully harmonize the principles of Christian education in philosophy, content, and methodology.
*To strengthen the relationship between home and school by promoting such activities as:
a. Providing suggestions to the administration and school board for curriculum improvement.
b. Encouraging frequent communication between home and school.
c. Encouraging parents to visit the school.
d. Encouraging teachers to visit the homes of students.
e. Providing volunteer services as requested by the school.
f. Assisting in providing the school with additional equipment and facilities not provided by the church or conference/mission.
As the Bronx Church's leadership prayerfully considers the person to fulfill this responsible position, we will be reminded that our determination should be:
*To work toward the goal of enrolling every child of the church in the church school. Earnest endeavor should be made to provide ways for disadvantaged children to attend church school so that no Seventh-day Adventist child (or those in our sphere of influence will miss the opportunity) of a Seventh-day Adventist education. SDA Church Manual, 15th edition, pp.105-107
For more information, locations, scheduling and services of each school in the NORTHEASTERN CONFERENCE of SDA. Visit: https://www.neced.org/