The Personal Ministries Department of the church provides resources and trains its membership to unite their efforts in proclaiming the gospel of salvation in Christ.. This department works in concert with other departmental ministries in the church to
fulfill this commission.
The goal of the department is to enlist every member in active soul winning service for GOD.
The Personal Ministries Department has a council which is comprised of all department heads. The council helps to guide and direct the goals of the set forth by the PM dept. The council also assists in coordinating the PM efforts in a unified manner via the various programs of the church.
The 2023 – 2024 leader is LYNDON WILLIAMS. The PM team consists of: Viola Jackson, Myrtle Johnson, Elder James Brown, Juliet Robins, Janea Balcarran, Rick Requena, Eula Clark and Jean Jegede. The PM Secretaries: Florence Richards & Hermalee McLean.
The Bible Discover School:
One of the major evangelistic thrusts this year for the Bronx church. We believe that knowing and understanding God’s word, the Bible is essential for these times.
…Other responsibilities of this department are:
• To promote and direct literature distributions (via four field days),
• Message Magazine campaigns,
• Ingathering,
• Prison Ministry,
• Bible Studies
• Referrals from the Voice of Prophecy, the membership and other sources,
The department keeps the church updated by utilizing a set-aside 15 minutes each week prior to the divine worship service and with a monthly newsletter.
2023 PLANS:
MOTTO "Uniting for a Finished Work - leaving no stone unturned."
MISSION STATEMENT: Matthew 18: 19, 20
MISION: Each member to be fully active and participatory in leading someone into a closer relationship with Christ, our Savior, even if that person is him/herself.
BIBLE STUDY Training so that EVERYONE is a disciple-maker. REVELATION SEMINARS - a meeting place where neighbors study together to better understand prophecy as it relates to the times in which we live.
Distribution of Bible lessons to students and new enrollees in the Bible Discovery School.

PM TEAM: Juliet Robins, Viola Jackson, Myrtle Johnson, Janea Balcarran, Rick Requena, Eula Clark, Kehinde & Jean Jegede, Elder James Brown Secretariat: Florence Richards & Hermalee McLean