OUR MISSION: To encourage the membership to stay connected to God throughout the day through the medium of prayer.
We encourage our members to become prayer partners with each other, to attend mid-week prayer services on Wednesday evenings and above all else to develop a personal prayer life with our awesome Creator, Father and God.
On the 1st Sabbath of each month from 7:00am - 8:am, the Prayer Ministries Department leads out in a very special Prayer service to which all are invited - a special blessing awaits you.
On the 2nd Sabbath each month, directly after the divine worship service, we lead out in the POWER HOUR. All are asked to remain and receive the extra blessings for the coming week. The testimonies given at this service certainly give evidence that GOD is still in the prayer-answering business
If you'd like for us to remember you in prayer (while we develop/link the Prayer request form), please free to call me personally with your request and how we can assist you spiritually @ 718 974 8194.
May GOD, in His mercy and infinite grace especially bless you today.

Elder Blessing Igbinomwanhia, Leader. Dr. Jennifer Huie, Asst