Our MISSION is to provide opportunities to make new friendships and obtain resources that will aid in the spiritual and personal growth of the men of the Church and our surrounding community.
Our VISION is to develop godly, visionary men who are committed to fulfilling the great commission.
Our GOAL is to provide Christian men with renewed inspiration, ideas and encouragement that will catapult them forward in their Christian growth and service to others.
This ministry page will burst with events, articles, seminars and new ideas to assist our "brothers" in meetin thier full potential as MEN: brothers, sons, fathers, husbands, mentors, disciples and help in improving whatever relationship you're in or plan to be in. So stop by from time to time - we promise that you'll be glad you did. GUARANTEED!

To begin this new year properly, we will be having a consecration service on MAY 21, 2023 @ 10am which will include a Fellowship Brunch which all males from ages 12 thru 112; are invited to attend, additionally, we are also inviting our co-partners - the Women's Ministries staff and anyone else who would like to be blessed by this event.
We will be having a very special guest, Dr. Herman Charles, pastor of the Corona SDA Church, Queens, NY who will be charging our men in this new year, new start, new initiative to be ALL that God would have them be. You too could also be a guest.... just come, fellowship and enjoy the meal - prepared for a king! Hope to see your there, no charge, no registration! JUST COME and be blessed.

Elder JAMES BROWN, Director
Team: Volunteers solicited