We believe that the mission of this ministry is to nurture and equip women for service to God in the church and community. Our purpose is to inspire women to reach their full potential in Christ, to enable them to enrich their spiritual lives, and act on their faith by utilizing their gifts to the service of God in their homes, church, and community.
We are determined to reach women of all ages, from cradle roll to seniors, and the spiritually strong, to the new babes in the faith. We will endeavor to pray, plan, and communicate for the welfare of the ministry, that will be to the glorification of Jesus Christ, and the edification of mankind. Our ultimate goal and mission are to prepare souls for the Kingdom of God.
The Women’s Ministries Department is a resource to women and female teens in the church and local community.
In 2018, the Women's Ministries promoted self-esteem, prayer for their children and self, and women relating, helping and strengthening one another. In 2018 new challenges faced the leadership. Siloane Glasgow, former leader introduced a fresh approach to helping women of all ages to persevere, overcome, and triumph. In today's world, challenges for women are broader - socially, professionally, spiritually as well as those in family-life.
With the current leadership, the department recognizes the immense potential of the women of the church and endeavors to utilize them in all facets of church ministries. While this is true, it is also factual that women need to feel fulfilled, validated and appreciated. Our faces differ as do our needs. The Women's Ministries Department's goal for 2023 is to make a difference in every woman's life and to help them draw closer to the true Source of real peace, happiness and joy. Jean and her team will embrace singleness (singles, single moms, divorced, widowed, etc) and marrieds (happily as well as unhappily married) - no matter your circumstance, you will not be left out of Women's Ministries 2023.
Very interesting websites for women of all ages:
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Have you had an experience, a life-changing incident or a revelation about prayer or God's love, or perhaps a special moment, event, occurrence or happening with your family, friend or acquaintance that you'd like to share with other women. Well, here's an opportunity where you just might get your story in an upcoming publication of the Women's Ministry Devotional Books. Here's how...

Assistant: Elder Carol Williams