This is a site for young adults - singles, newly connected, and young parents to visit from time to time. It will endeavor to present ideas, encouragement, social and economic information and thoughts to pique your interest, as well as a venue to exchange ideas.
The following may be of interest to some:
If you are looking to expand your circle of friendships with other Adventist single young people, you may wish to try one of several Adventist Singles websites. Click here to peruse one of the more popular ones among Adventist singles. Take a peek.
Are your manners and social skills up to par, are you ready for a weekend at Oprah's or being a guest of the Queen of England? See how you stack up with this quiz:
"Don't cry because it's over - smile because it happened." Anonymous
LOOKING for Career Direction or to CHANGE Jobs - you might want to check out this web site (troubledwith.com) - this is an excerpt from the Job Section of the site:
We often define ourselves by what we do — “Hi, I’m Sue, and I’m a social worker.” It’s no mystery then that losing your job or changing occupations ranks as one of the most stressful transitions in life. In our hopscotch culture, bouncing from career to career is common, but the effects are no less difficult: making new friends, learning new tasks, living within a new budget and embracing a new identity. If you find yourself in the throes of a job change, we’ve gathered practical suggestions for leaping the expected and unexpected hurdles of finding a career fit.
Want to read about some great dating and relationship tips, check out this site, pretty interesting stuff. Nancy Van Pelt is interesting, relevant and down-to-earth. Enjoy!
The Family Life Cruise autumn, 2018 to Puerto Rico and the VI was a wonderful experience for those who went. As plans unfold about the next NEConference-sponsored cruise, we'll make the details available to you.